AIM OF THE COURSE: The course studies what language is and what knowledge of a language consists of. This is provided by basic examination of internal organization of sentences, words, and sound systems. The course assumes no prior training in linguistics. Students of Linguistics begin their studies by learning how to analyze languages, their sounds (phonetics and phonology), their ways of forming words (morphology), their sentence structures (syntax), and their systems of expressing meaning (semantics). 

OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: a. To lead to a greater understanding of the human mind, of human communicative action and relations through an objective study of language b. To familiarize students with key concepts of Linguistics and develop awareness of latest trends in Language Study c. To help students towards a better pronunciation and to improve the general standard of pronunciation in every day conversation and in reading. d. To help the students develop a sense of English grammar, syntax and usage. e. To improve writing and speech skills.

After the completion of the course students should be able to:- ● Recognize key concepts of Linguistics and develop awareness of latest trends in Language Study ● Point out the features of languages, their sounds, their ways of forming words, their sentence structures, and their systems of expressing meaning. ● Examine through an objective study the relation of language with human mind and communicative action ● Operate the features of pronunciation and their general standards in every day conversation and in reading. ● Develop a sense of English syntax and will be able to provide complete syntactic analyses for sentences of English ● Develop a sense of awareness of principles of language that govern the distribution of morphology and how morphology interacts with other components of language. ● Recognize the fundamental topics in semantics and develop a concept of different semantic levels.

AIM OF THE COURSE: The course studies what language is and what knowledge of a language consists of. This is provided by basic examination of internal organization of sentences, words, and sound systems. The course assumes no prior training in linguistics. Students of Linguistics begin their studies by learning how to analyze languages, their sounds (phonetics and phonology), their ways of forming words (morphology), their sentence structures (syntax), and their systems of expressing meaning (semantics). 

OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: a. To lead to a greater understanding of the human mind, of human communicative action and relations through an objective study of language b. To familiarize students with key concepts of Linguistics and develop awareness of latest trends in Language Study c. To help students towards a better pronunciation and to improve the general standard of pronunciation in every day conversation and in reading. d. To help the students develop a sense of English grammar, syntax and usage. e. To improve writing and speech skills.

After the completion of the course students should be able to:- ● Recognize key concepts of Linguistics and develop awareness of latest trends in Language Study ● Point out the features of languages, their sounds, their ways of forming words, their sentence structures, and their systems of expressing meaning. ● Examine through an objective study the relation of language with human mind and communicative action ● Operate the features of pronunciation and their general standards in every day conversation and in reading. ● Develop a sense of English syntax and will be able to provide complete syntactic analyses for sentences of English ● Develop a sense of awareness of principles of language that govern the distribution of morphology and how morphology interacts with other components of language. ● Recognize the fundamental topics in semantics and develop a concept of different semantic levels.

Open Course - ENG5D01 - English for Competitive Examinations

Course Code: ENG5D03 


Semester: 5 

Number of Credits: 03 

Number of Contact Hours: 54 hrs (3 hrs per week)