This course typically refers to the study of literature written in English from regions and countries outside the traditional English-speaking world. This field often explores literary works from post-colonial and global perspectives, examining the voices and narratives emerging from diverse cultural and linguistic contexts.

The course might cover literature from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and other regions where English is used as a means of creative expression. Topics may include the impact of colonialism, cultural hybridity, identity, diaspora, and the unique literary styles and themes found in these writings.

Students  might also explore the historical, social, and political contexts that influence the creation of these literary works. Additionally, critical theories and approaches relevant to the understanding of post-colonial literature may be introduced.

Course Code: ENG6B17
Title of the Course: WRITING FOR THE MEDIA
Semester: 06
Number of Credits: 03
Number of Contact Hours: 54 hrs (3 hrs per week)